Thursday, October 22, 2009

如果的事 · Sick

again, esther feeling not well this few days and weeks..
that's why I am already not update my blog for many days. So sorry about that..

already whole week long I didn't update my blog.. It i not because that I felt boring on it, bt is too many stress, unhappiness and sicknesses all around me..

tell you guys something.. one day, a guy ask me to go out, but I just ignore it and ask him go and find my friend, the end.. I get scold by my mom that I push t others..funny

Friday, October 16, 2009

如果的事 · 16 - 10 - 2009 Thursday Sunny

kinda boring t sit alone at college foyer..
doing nothing and wait for the time to pass-by..
another 2 hours only the class start..

lee yee ask me to watch the thai advertistment in youtube..
luckily I got a friend like her that wake up early to chit chat with me..

1 noob guy alwaysask me for dating and yet he didn't look at his characteristic of why I always refuse to go out with him.. This not my taste man.. I like the 1 who reallycan make me fell comfortable no matter the look and the character and yet people always said that my time has not yet come... How long I going to wait some more?

the advertistment is really creative and nice as same as japanese and korea one..
everyone not so know that I actually is from thai family which my granny is all from thai..
so I could understand a bit of thai ad yet I look a bit dark where I am source from thai family..that's sounds cool huh??

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

如果的事 · 14 - 10 - 2009 Wednesday sunny

really bastard to tell you guys about my today schooling time...
Is quite bullshit to talk about this 1..
today, I'm really 'sui' today..

In macroeconomics, because the class is damn boring and the lecturer is noob (PDF holder), during her first time class, she start to show off... On that time, I heard someone screaming so I looked down the 1 floor, and she start to notice on me, so I tried to force myself to sneeze so that I have a 'good' explanation for her.... But she keep staring on me, so 'dai lou' keep looking on me for she is staring on me quite long time although I apologize.. Damn, I just like a fool to act like nothing so 'prevent' her on deduct my marks... So Ewin and Yvonne then gossip on her while Hansson and us try to wrote our words into the paper but scare that she will look on 'our' paper... She keep on asking 'our gang' question to try to let us know that she has plenty of knowledge to teach us and she keep on try to find our mistake until Hansson want to scold her..

During the 'journey' back to home, 1 stupid bird poop on my head, all whole gang want to snap my funny looking... when I try to bath, the taip water 'shoot' towards my face and my whole body turns wet...


Monday, October 12, 2009

如果的事 · Fail

nega chi gem otoke??
ne ga fail in exam ta.. arrassor..
omma sure kill me 1..
now at school very down ..
very sad man..
sure i will get scold and kill..
die die die..

shit, i am only the one who fail in quantitative account le..
how?what to do??asking my both twins brother to teach me some how I get to know that Jen has failed all the subject... What to do next?? taking the exam resit slip and keep on looking on the paper then try to think whether I really done wrong in the examination.. so Survine ask me to appeal the result taken.. by the way it cost another RM50 for the application fees and some more all of us fail so many..

for my case is that, I get C-, so which means that I get 50-54 marks in between so the failing rate for me is not fair..It may cause my certificate to be given a 1 red mark there..

bad la oi.. stop that la.. that's killing me..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

如果的事 · ice cream made in korea

Today is a kinda new day for me..(after chatting with friends through facebook)

after getting from bed,daddy picked me to sister's shop to wait for her to take me to college..
today class was really lousy because I am too concentrate on it cause the sound of the new lecturer is too loud until I have no chance to take a nap on it..

after that, follow Ewin and Yvonne to mall, having ice kacang at Penang Road and then I took bus back home..Mum has prepared noodle for me as my dinner and yet it taste not nice as what I cook cause it taste odourless.. (don't angry ya)

well well,today not much happen cause i just run out of time on playing games..
sis treat me korean ice-cream and it taste nice..
i love it

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

如果的事 · Skip




从午觉醒来的我,六点多咯吃了爸爸买回来的包子,做了个clear blackporeMask,洗了脸就和爸妈将妹妹送到补习班,吃了晚餐,大伙回来后就和大姐商量她的婚事还闹了很多笑话
晚上二姐来电,要我打工赚钱供车子,说我可以当补习老师(可是我不会教,也没有耐性教),当waitressbartender,还是到MOIStiger show??胡扯了许久,我的笑声让爸爸骂了一顿难道除了这些就没有别的吗???人人都说我像个小姐这个不行那个不做,其实我也很想做工嘛可是就是没有一样适合我叻


如果的事 · Again 5 – 10 – 2009 雨 monday

今天又下了一场超大的雨,我也有好几天没有些部落格了几天可是我的第二学期的第一天叻,有点奇怪,喝了杯美禄,准备去上课了今天是班上的另一个同学-Kah bee载我去学校,原本要Shyen载我的,可是怕他的女朋友胡来所以就取消了这个念头




放学后,就和Ewin还有Kar Bee去买纸和笔(文具类),回到家,妈妈看到我无精打采的样子还故意逗我笑,抱歉,我都是皮笑肉不笑,因为这突来的问题让我不知所措晚上Li Yung要我们到火锅之家帮Adrian庆生,不是说好要到Harvest In?答应他们的我,突然头很晕,发烧,又很想呕吐爸爸还买了炒面,吃了几口、吞了药片又睡的我被Hansson骂我放飞机、Laura原本也要带我去吃东西的,可是刚刚淋雨的我发烧了也只能说对不起了

如果的事 · Days30 - 9 -2009 wednesday sunny day


看到一本书写得很不错,blogger 就像blogger naked(裸露),凡是有些部落格的人难免会将自己的事告诉他人,不是直接的,而是都一个圈子将事情一五一十的用文字写出来,是在说我吗???有点像笑…well well… 事实上我都没什么告诉嘛…纯粹好玩…比起一个人在家里写日记来得更痛快,因为可以无畏不拘的写下自己的心情,让大家明白我在想什么…


Adrian (不是我的弟弟,是我们班的小伙子)快生日的他很开心我们将要为他预备的gathering,就在这要来临的星期一,也就是开学的第一天,到我们最怀念的Harvest In Restaurant,享用午餐…这是Hansson安排的,RSVP在Facebook问我们会参加吗??!!ok,我会记得的,就那么决定吧…让我告诉Survine…他很感动~而且还喜笑得对我说他可以拿正牌去‘Clubbing’了…好啦好啦…恭喜你吧…还威胁我一定要介绍美眉给他,指定是要会到图书馆和读书馆的,还要很漂亮的…要求还蛮多的他真的很开心哦…恭喜你啦…

在Samoa,Kemboja,Vietnam,Philipine,Laos,Indonesia and Australia都有台风、地震、海啸、沙暴…除了祷告,我真得什么也帮不到忙吗??Uncle Alex说得对,为什么基督教的都没再帮忙呢??都是一些慈济和JCI在帮忙,然而其他的宗教都跑到哪里了呢???
前几天我才到那韩国基督徒举办的祷告馆-Prayer House Of Penang,他们真的很有忍耐,居然可以在早上天还没完全亮的时候(五点早晨)就到祷告殿里与神亲近来祈祷…难怪他们国家可以迅速的的发展得那么快…
