Sunday, August 23, 2009

如果的事 · Laura~ Sister in Christ

Laura Khaw, my big jie jie in Christ.. 

I am pleasure to have you as my personal best counselor. Remember that time we had attend the youth camp at ‘Penang Hill – pastor Shiang Ghee’s house.. On the prayer time, I remember that I cried before god and ask him to send someone to care on me and you just came. So god hears my prayer and did sent you here to guide me and listen to my problem. Talks between us have a great time we stick together. By god’s grace, your family is just like mine and vice versa.. 

Sometime your mom has a great talk with my mom compare to us.. Because they could talk non-stop through phone call.. the only things that I could say is, ‘jie.. thanks and praise the Lord so that we could stay always..

Stay tune and love

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mei, somehow after so many years... i just saw this post.... you are always my beloved sister, and i will always be here for u....