Monday, November 30, 2009

如果的事 · 30 - 11 - 2009 Monday Sunny

As I was wondering whether I can go for the youth camp or not, Steven call up me to tell me that the application form should be alright to approve it, yet I cannot make a decision to go or not because on that day, I have a IT group assignment submission date around the corner. Daddy ask me not to go, end up got to go with Joshua first to see how the lecturer arrangement.

These few days, I was going to our church camp, ‘revival fire’ taught by pastor Paul Tan Kim Tai. He has a good teaching skill with a nice joke habits which we can think about the things we had never think out before about the bible.

The movie of 2012 is about the disaster happens which is natural and not by God’s will, so as the Maya said the end of the world is near. From the bible we could even know that 2012 is some sort following the bible. The ark made is just same like what Noah made it when the God comes to save the days. Even we can knew that the tsunami, volcano, temperature of the earth has increase nowadays somehow the thing is different is that the end of the world is not human to save the days but the only one God can do so for he made up the natural environment for us. Through the movie, people will even wonder that why the God is cruel to kill the human but why don’t you think that all that you have is belongs to who? The end of the world cannot be known by anybody but the only true God, the date of the end will be just like what God has told us in the revolution, the day will just like a thief comes to destroy without knowing by anyone.

Some people are try to use their knowledge to ‘help’ God but end up with the all nonsense things that happens which people get hurt so from now onwards we have to serve the lord with all our heart, mind and soul and unite the kingdom of God and let it be Jesus Christ to build up by his own will but not by human to build up the churches without prayer.

Stay in the Paradise Hotel these few days, although everyone seems like tiredness and yet they could receive the anointing of God.

1 comment:

lyin said...

hey,have u receive your cert?